April 8, 2011

Date Night: Movie

I sent E to pick out our movie this week and he came home with Charlie St. Cloud.

St. Cloud is a young man overcome by grief at the death of his younger brother. So much so that he takes a job as caretaker of the cemetery in which his brother is buried. Charlie has a special lasting bond with his brother though, as he can see him. Charlie meets up with his brother (Sam) each night to play catch and talk. Then, a girl comes into Charlie's life and he must choose between keeping a promise he made to Sam, or going after the girl he loves.

My Thoughts:
This was a typical E movie. For some reason he is drawn to the movies with the flashbacks and "ghosts." This was an ok movie but not one I will pick in the future. Certainly not one to watch before bed. It did have a good storyline and great theme.


  1. new gfc follower from the Blog HOp Fri. I am at http://simplyshopandsave.ca

  2. that is definitely what I was searching for, You have saved me alot of time
