September 13, 2012

Be Your Best

With every new baby comes a chance to reevaluate your gals and dreams. Whether it is your first or your fourth the ideas a woman has about being her best self change throughout pregnancy and when the baby finally arrives. With the arrival of our new little one my ideas about my best self have again changed. There was a time, not too long ago, when my dreams of my best self included a beautiful home, nice car, and an exciting job. With the birth of my first child things became a little simple and I was concerned only about having a vacuumed house, clean laundry, and delicious meals on the table. Today my version of my best self is, again, a little bit different. My goals focus more on keeping myself and my family happy and healthy.
Today in being my best self my life is focused on my children and husband. Many days I'm doing my best if I am up, dressed and have eaten by the time my husband comes home from work. Yes, there are times when I feel I don't do enough but that is ok. I have these four little things called children and often times they get put first, which is really ok. I know as long as I try a little harder each day and always give life 100% that I am being the best person I can be. Even when I'm still in my pajamas and haven't eaten I am my best when my children are happy and cared for and I am ok with that.
Because I understand this about myself, I am super excited to announce the O! You event taking place this fall. O! You, put on by The Oprah Magazine, is taking place October 20, 2012 at the Los Angeles Convention Center. This will be a wonderful day of learning, inspiration and fun with many of your favorite O Magazine favorites including Gayle King, Suze Orman, Martha Beck, Peter Walsh, and others.
As these speakers focus on the questions “Who are you meant to be?”, “What's holding you back?”, and “How are you living your best life every day?” your self-image can't go anywhere but up. What a great chance to be reminded of your own importance while enjoying your time out and about.
Now I'm sure you're wondering about how to get tickets for this awesome event. You can, of course, purchase them or you can win them by playing games at The Clorox Lounge. By simply playing you can win one of ten Kindle Fires or this great O! You grand prize including round trip airfare to Los Angeles California, two nights hotel accommodations and admission to O! You. What a great chance to win!

I was compensated for writing this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and The Clorox Lounge blogging program. The opinions and ideas expressed here are my own. To read more posts on this topic, click here.

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