September 27, 2012

Bicoastal Babe by Cynthia Langston

I have to admit, I wasn't sure I was going to like this book when I first started reading it but once I got into the story I couldn't put it down! Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have two lives? That is what happens to Lindsey in this story of trial and love.
Bicoastal Babe begins as Lindsey receives a new job at her dream company. Although it's not the job she had planned on in the beginning she is super excited to get started. As part of this new job one of the things Lindsey must do is spend time in two popular US cities and learn about their in crowds. The company rents an apartment in each city and she is to fly back and forth each week.
The main part of the story tells about the twists and turns this living situation brings with it. Lindsey soon has two boyfriends, two best friends, and two separate lives. It is an interesting and fun read to see how Lindsey deals with the mess and what she finally decides about the new turns in her life.
If you love a good life choices book than you will love this. With the lighthearted romance and some great laughter you'll love every minute you spend with these pages!

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