September 19, 2012

Meet Grandma

Grandma (holding B), A, Auntie M
I don't talk much about my extended family here but today I want to tell you a little about someone very special in my life. My Grandma has been an inspiration to me ever since I was really little. She is an amazing woman for so many reasons!
Probably the biggest reason I love Grandma is because of everything she has taught me. Many of you have checked out our shop (if not the link is at the top of the page) but what you may not know is that Grandma is the one who taught me to sew. In fact Grandma is an amazing seamstress. She makes beautiful wedding dresses and baby blessing dresses and suits. In fact she has made a unique blessing dress or suit for each of her grandchildren. That's over 50 outfits in the past thirty years and there are still more children on the way.

Sewing is not the only thing Grandma does that makes her wonderful. She does so many other things like babysitting, quilting, cooking, canning, gardening, and just plain being there. I will never be able to thank her enough for everything she does but especially for teaching me to do some of her favorite things because they are some of my favorite things too!

Is there a wonderful woman like this in your life? If so make sure you head over and enter her in Yahoo! Shine's Woman Who Shine event. One lucky winner will a $10,000 prize! Make sure you head on over to submit your nomination and start voting for your favorites today!

I was compensated for this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms blogging program. The opinions and ideas expressed here are my own. To read more posts on this topic, click here

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