September 25, 2012

MilkDiapers Review

Every new mom needs a few special items of her own. One of these is a great breast pad like the ones at MilkDiapers. I was sent a sample pack to review and I have to say that I am in love!
I have been a big fan of cloth nursing pads since baby #2. With baby #1 my breasts were always cracked and sore. My pads also showed like huge lumps through my shirt and I just wasn't comfortable. Since then I have tired many kids of breast pads. Many of them work but most of them, at least for me, require that I wear them two thick or I soak through them within an hour or two. These problems were all solved by the great new MilkDiapers that I received to review.
I love these pads because they are thick and hold a lot! In fact, I can go all night with just a single layer of pads and not get the bed all wet (E loves this feature). I think a big part of this is that the seam in these is not just stitched together but the pads are overlapped so there isn't nearly as much wicking. These pads also have a lace outer layer which makes me feel beautiful even with E calling me a cow on a regular basis.
If you're looking for some great nursing pads you should stop by MilkDiapers today and check out their combo packs. Make sure you also stop back by during Fall Fashionista to win a set of 10 pads of your very own!

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