September 14, 2012

When Work & Family Collide by Andy Stanley

As a work at home mom I often have times where my family and my business needs run into each other. Yes, I try to do my work at nap time and after the kids go to bed but that is not always possible and decisions have to be made. With the recent changes in our life creating a need for me to be a bigger help in paying bills these business verses family questions have become harder to answer.
When I was asked to review Andy Stanley's When Work and Family Collide , I had high hopes for some ideas on how to better solve our work/family debate. As I read I was amazed with how Andy disscribed my situation as being trapped, exactly how I feel. I knew at that point I was off to a good start.
The book itself is divided into two parts. The first part talks about the feelings of yourself, your spouse, and your children during this type of a situation. It suggests that your family is being cheated, a term I feel is very appropriate.
Part two is focused on how to change. This is the section that I found most helpful and have often found myself going back to refer to. It uses a real life situation to show you how you can, and should, respond to life's choices.
Overall I found this to be a great book full of ideas to help me make better decisions in regards to my work and family. If you are facing tough choices of a similar nature this would be a great read!

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