October 6, 2012

An Awesome Trip

I always have to smile when I'm out shopping and have such wonderful savings that the person behind me in line asks how I do it. That happened this week, TWICE! Needless to say I came home from shopping in a really good mood and was thrilled with what I got. My favorite deal was probably the clearance play pen sheets I found. Matched with my Circo bedding item coupon they came to just $1.97 for a 2 pack. This was awesome because we have four play pens at my house and I've always wanted sheets (so we can haul around fewer blankets) but I couldn't stomach $10 for two. I can't wait to pull these out for our next overnight trip! I shopped just Target and Walgreens this week.

Total Spent: $28.94
Total Saved: $337.16 (92%)
Rewards Earned: $39.00
Points Earned: 2000

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