October 8, 2012

Little Baby Bumblebee Monthly Stickers

One thing that I have found becomes increasingly difficult with each child is taking pictures to show their growth and especially getting them labeled. This time, thanks to my new monthly stickers from Little Baby Bumblebee, I have an excuse to take pictures and an easy way to label them each month.
Here are a few of the photos I took for F's one month mark. She did not want to sit quietly and was very grumpy that I wouldn't hold her but I did end up getting some adorable photos of the baby that is growing all too quickly.
I love these stickers and what they added to the photos. I can't wait to see the end result of our first year pictures with them included. My only wish is that the month one, and possibly month two, stickers were slightly smaller as they were almost to big to fit on my poor preemie's belly and I kept having to adjust them so they didn't cover her chin. Overall however Little Baby Bumblebee has a great product, and wonderful customer service, and I'm sure you'll be seeing more of them over the next year!

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