October 13, 2012

Mega Bloks Party Time

We recently had an awesome birthday party thanks to Mega Bloks! I was so excited when I was invited to host a party with Mom Select because I knew we had a birthday coming up for a boy who would loves to build. We already had a small selection of Mega Bloks and I was thrilled when my party package arrived that included a set of Mega Bloks for each of our guests.
The boys had lots of fun but my favorite part was the cake. I was thrilled with how this cake turned out. Other than being a little melty because of the the heat it looked awesome!
To build a Mega Bloks cake of yoru very own here is what you need.

  1. one cake mix (plus ingredients to make)
  2. three bread pans
  3. frosting
  4. food coloring
  5. large marshmallows (the stale ones in your cupboard will work great!)
Begin by mixing up the cake mix as directed. Divide between the tree bread pans and bake (I just got a set of mini bread pans and I can't wait to make individual miniature Mega Bloks in the future). Remove from oven and cool. I then cut one cake in half hamburger style. I began with the blue cake. Put it on the platter and frosted it. Then the yellow cake went on to make it look like an L. The red cake went on next with the green on top. To do the bumps I cut marshmallows in half (stale ones really did work best). Stuck them on a toothpick and frosted them and then poked the other half of the toothpick into the cake. Add your candles and enjoy!

We received a set of Mega Bloks free of charge for this post.

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