October 15, 2012

Peanut Shell Hospital Gowns

Anyone who's spent time in the hospital knows that, besides the food, one of the worst parts is the horrid gowns they put you in. This is a really big problem for me because I am little. When I was in the hospital with B one of the nurses actually asked if I wanted her to go try to find me a child's size gown because the one I had on was so huge!
Thankfully this time I had a beautiful gown from Peanut Shell to use during my hospital stay. My favorite thing about this hospital gown was of course that it fit. I didn't have to worry about huge slits in the front coming open and exposing myself to everyone but I could still easily nurse my baby and didn't have to worry when the nurses stopped in to do tests either.
I know you can't see it very well in the photos but this gown has snaps that open at both shoulders and then all the way down one side. I wasn't wearing the gown during the actual delivery as my bag was still in the car with no time to go get it, but more on that later. I did however wear this gown as soon as they let me change and I was so much more comfortable.
Although I was once one that said it didn't matter and there was no way I was going to haul a gown around with me this wonderful hospital gown has changed my mind. Every mom should have a gown that fits properly when they deliver their little one. And trust me, you will get your money's worth. Not only will you be so much more comfortable in the hospital but the gown works great when you get home too so you have comfy pj's that you can still easily nurse in. Plus, aren't they adorable!
Make sure you check out all the great hospital gowns, and other products, from Peanut Shell and head over to win during Fall Fashionista.

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