October 3, 2012

peeptree Blankets

Since baby #4 is our first girl some of the preparation has felt like I was getting ready for the first baby all over again  Some things, like the crib, I already had. The car seat had to be replaced simply because it was too old and had expired. And still other things, like clothes, blankets, bibs and burp cloths, E tried to convince me what we had would work but I insisted we get more in the pink and purple variety.
One of my favorite new pink items is a blanket we received from peeptree. I love how simply cute this blanket is. i also love the size!  It is great for using to lay Baby F on the floor because it doesn't take up my whole family room but it is still large enough to remind the boys that they need to be careful. The blanket also washes really well, something that is a must with my spitty newborns, and has remained super bright and soft!
Peeptree also has great customer service and you will love placing a personalized order with them! Make sure to visit peeptree today and watch for a great giveaway during Fall Fashionista as part of your pregnancy and new baby fashion package.

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