October 13, 2012

Small Concept Designer Kids Clothes

It seems like for the last five years I have done nothing but change sizes. In fact, I have so many tubs of clothes that I don't dare throw away because I know I'll need them again it's kinda scary. This time around I finally got a little smarter and began getting clothes that I can wear no matter what size I am. I was really excited when Small Concept agreed to let me review their wrap shirt because I knew it would be one of those timeless items.
I have loved this top and am so glad that I have it as part of my wardrobe. It was a little warm to wear during the summer but I did use it on a couple of occasions. Now that it is fall this shirt has become one of my favorites. Not only does it hide those post baby rolls that I dislike so much but it is super comfortable and, as a bonus, easy to nurse in.
If you are looking for some adorable maternity or kids clothes make sure you check out Small Concept. They have a wonderful selection! You should also head over to win a great prize from Small Concept during Fall Fashionista!

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