October 10, 2012

Thanks Mama Treasures

I'm so excited to tell you about another new diaper that I love. This is the bumGenius Freetime diaper and it has quickly become a nighttime favorite around our house. Now the reason this is a nighttime favorite is probably not what you are expecting. At our house C is almost ready to potty train (and he better get there quick) so he wants his diaper changed almost immediately after dirtying it. Unfortunately this includes at night and, being one of those moms that hardly ever is caught up on all the chores around the house, diapers are almost never folded and ready to use so E and I really love when this one is in the pile because we don't have to worry about finding all the pieces in the middle of the night when C makes his nightly demand and we don't end up with a pocket diaper stuffed with a cover like sometimes happens during those half sleeping diaper changes.
My other favorite thing about the bumGenius Freetime is that it's not really a pocket diaper but it's not an all in one either. I've found it to be a very unique diaper because it is made more like a pocket diaper but the soaker pads (inserts) are attached. There is one attached at each end and then they flip to the middle and overlap for easy use. This is why it is so easy at night but it still doesn't have the super long drying time of the all in ones. In my opinion it is a great hybrid of the best two properties of these types of diapers.
I'm so glad Thanks Mama sent us this diaper to try. They have a wonderful store full of lots of fun baby and toddler items! Every time I visit my wish list gets longer and longer. They also have wonderful customer service and fast shipping. Make sure you go visit them and then check back here for a great giveaway as part of Fall Fashionista!

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