November 17, 2012

Blacklight Chronicles by John Forrester

There is something about a young people working hard to save their family and country that touches my heart. This is exactly the type of story you find in the Blacklight Chronicles by John Forrester.

The first book, Fire Mage , begins by introducing you to Talis and Mara. These two friends live in a free city in the midst of a world full of dark sorcerers. When these young magicians discover that their city has been targeted for attack they escape into the temple crypts. There a fallen champion gives them an ancient map to lead them to the temple of the sun. The safety of the city depends on Talis and Mara completing this dangerous quest.

The second book, Sun Mage , picks up right were the first left off. As Talis and Mara work to complete their quest they discover that both light and dark forces are searching for the Sun Temple and they must use their wits to get out of more than one predicament. The only way they will reach their destination is with the help of the map but as it leads them into the land of the dead can they continue to follow it's instructions?

I really enjoyed these books. They are very interesting reads. I would highly suggest them for anyone who likes mystical novels. They are appropriate for anyone pre-teen or older. Make sure you buy them all as you can't stop after just one.

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