November 8, 2012

Dangerous Affairs by Diana Miller

Dangerous Affairs by Diana Miller is a romantic suspense that is full of fun turns. The book begins as Abby moves into her new home after leaving her former home and career for a quieter life. Once she is in her home Abby can't help but feel that something is not quite right and begins to put the pieces together. Her simple move takes some dangerous twists as Abby falls for the police chief and begins receiving hate mail. Will she ever get out of town alive?

This was a great book full of unseen corners. I loved that it kept me guessing the whole time. Diana, who has worked as a lawyer, soda jerk, and mom, certainly knows how to write. This is very much an adult book but if you like adult, romantic mysteries I'm sure you'll love reading to find out what happens to Abby in this wonderful book!


  1. Thanks so much for taking the time to read my book and giving it such a great review! I really appreciate it. And thanks also for hosting me today.


    P.S. Your kids are adorable!

  2. The book sounds very intriguing, I'm looking forward to reading it.

  3. I am really looking forward to this book and enjoying the tour

    fencingromein at hotmail dot com

  4. What a great review. This book sounds awesome.

  5. True suspense is rare these days--good to know!


  6. I do love a book that keeps me guessing.


  7. Thanks for your review. I agree, I love a book that keeps me guessing. I like it when I get to the end and sit back saying, 'I didn't see that coming'. To me, that's a sign of good writing.
