November 26, 2012

Little Me Cyber Monday

Little girl in Little Me pink outfit Since Baby F is our first girl we, I really mean I because E couldn't care less if she wears pink or blue, have been having a great time finding her a fun wardrobe. One of my very favorites is this cute outfit from Little Me. As you can see it's still a little big (everything is big on this baby) but she really likes it too.
I have two favorite things about this outfit, besides how cute it is. The first is that the material is wonderfully soft. Even after several washes the fabric is beautiful! I love to cuddle with her in this one because the fabric is so comfortable. The other thing I love is how well it cleans. Baby F decided to try out her pooping skills in this the other day (trust me when I say it was everywhere) but I washed it and now it looks brand new again. I can certainly say that this is not a standard feature of baby clothes although it should be.
Make sure you hop on over to Little Me and check out all their great products including their fun Holiday Shop. You'll love what you see and when you buy today you can save 40% using code SAVEBIG!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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