November 2, 2012


With having our first girl comes some major decisions for E and I. We have had to do much of the decision making early, because we don't want there to ever be a question in what we will do. We've talked about everything from how long we want her to share a room with her brother to when she should be allowed to pierce her ears.
One of the big decisions we've had to make is in regards to modesty. E and I have a very firm belief that modesty is very important and we want to raise our daughter to feel the same way. As I have been out shopping for little girl clothes it has amazed me at how many sleeveless, short, and otherwise inappropriate outfits are available in newborn sizes. It's crazy!
It is never to soon for me to start my daughter dressing modestly so we have collected a variety of sleeved undershirts to go with the fun dresses and other outfits I have found. I'm also looking forward to making many of Baby F's clothes so that I can make sure they fit her modestly.
One thing I'm not going to attempt to make however are modest swimsuits. Stretchy fabric is not exactly my cup of tea when it comes to sewing. Hopefully someday I'll learn to deal with it better but for now I'll be leaving that particular job to the experts.
I hope that by teaching my daughter to be modest that I can give her a sense of self-worth and beauty that I feel many girls and women are lacking. You don't have to be showing lots of skin to be beautiful. You should be able to go swimming without worrying about your suit coming off in the waves. It is simply nice to be able to go about your daily routine without having to worry about showing things you shouldn't because there is no way for them to accidentally appear.
Do you have any tips on how to teach a young girl about modesty? This mom of her first daughter would love to hear any tips you may have!

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