November 21, 2012

Smokin' Hot $700 Shopilly Holiday Cash


Welcome to the Smokin' Hot $700 Shopilly Giveaway!

 hosted by Like a Bump on a Blog, with considerable help from the lovely Lexie Lane at VoiceBoks and Bridget at Giveaway Promote

Shopilly is a simple email organizer to help you keep all of your great deals organized in one safe spot. This program pulls all your shopping oriented emails from your inbox and puts them in a window where they get a visual representation for you to easily sort through. This free program does so much more. It will help you organize the stores you already love and discover new stores that are right up your ally. It's like having a mall right in your own home. Check it out today!

Shopilly is happily sponsoring a cash giveaway to help your holidays be a little brighter this year. Please enter using the form below, and remember, all entries will be verified. 
 Good luck!

Feature images courtesy of Shopilly. 
Post syndicated with permission, and the original can be found here: 

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