November 10, 2012

Wedding Favors ... To Be Or Not To Be

Candles floating in water
Last night while E and I were talking he asked what I wanted to do for our anniversary. I honestly hadn't even thought about it. I know it's not that far away but I've got a few other holidays (like Christmas) to get through first. I guess I do need to start thinking about it though. I mean this will be five years, although I totally can't believe it's been that long. Maybe we should have a big party with wedding favors, dancing, and photos? Then again, maybe I should just get a babysitter and see about a night out or even a weekend away. I guess I can't plan too far ahead as I don't know how much baby F will be needing me at that point. Decisions, Decisions.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post dear :)

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