March 29, 2013

A Visit to Salt Lake

This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.

We don't travel as a family very often but every once in a while we like to take a little vacation. Thankfully we live close enough to a few cities that make great travel destinations, like Salt Lake and Boise. The main reason I love these particular cities is that they feature family that I love to go visit. They also have great shopping, like Closet Salt Lake, that we just don't have in my little town.
Visiting family can be lots of fun, especially for the holidays. With it being Easter weekend we would normally spend the time with family but this year, for the first time, it's going to be just is. That means we will be having lots of fun at the Kerr house doing things like coloring and hunting Easter eggs, eating, and, my favorite, taking Sunday naps.
As we've been preparing for Easter the boys' therapist has been doing some Easter themed activities, like a small Easter hunt and coloring Easter bunny pictures. I was kinda surprised that my boys didn't know about the Easter bunny (you can say bad mommy now) but when I told them that he is friends with Santa they got really excited!
I just love Easter and I am really excited to share this weekend with my family. I probably won't be online much because I will be enjoying time with them but the other reason that I love Easter is because that means that my birthday is just around the corner. My birthday also happens to land on finals week and that means E is really close to having an actual day off every we and my family is back to having a regular paycheck. I really can't wait for April, it's going to be a great month. So many fun things happen and I have a few surprises for all of you too. You'll want to be sure that you stick around to see some projects that I've been working on that are almost ready to show everyone. It's going to be an awesome spring!

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