March 21, 2013

Behind the Columns by Arlette Gaffrey

Last month I told you about one of my new favorite books, A World of His Own, by Arlette Gaffrey. Today I am excited to tell you about the second book in this series, Reader Views Literary Award Winner, Behind the Columns. The story of Creole life continues with Desiree, the new owner of Chene Vue. This young woman lives with her grandfather, a heavy drinker and gambler. When he dies suddenly Desiree learns that her beautiful plantation must be sold to pay his debts and she struggles to find a spot for her betrayed heart.
You'll find another great adventure in Behind The Columns ! I know I couldn't help but fall in love with the characters and the Creole life. It was a wonderful novel to keep me company this winter as I dreamed of warm sunshine during our snowy afternoons!

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