March 5, 2013

Firefly Island by Lisa Wingate with iPad Mini Giveaway

Getting married is always an adventure. Diving in with your new partner can be trying for any new couple. Mallory, in Firefly Island by Lisa Wingate, gets these normal trials plus a toddler and an immediate move half way across the country when she marries the love of her life, Jack West. This move to Moses Lake, Texas brings out the adventurous side of Mallory but somehow she just can't shake the feeling that something is not right. As she searches for the answer Mallory has to decide how much she is willing to give up and what risks she is willing to take. 
I really loved this book and can't wait to read the others. Lisa did a wonderful job keeping things just exciting enough to keep me up all night reading. It was a wonderful blend of parenting, romance and mystery. It is a great read and one you won't want to miss!

Lisa Wingate is celebrating the release of Firefly Island with an iPad Mini giveaway and a fun Facebook Author Chat Party (March 19th).  


  One fortunate winner will receive:
  • An iPad Mini
  • The Moses Lake series (Firefly Island, Blue Moon Bay and Larkspur Cove)
Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on March 18th. Winner will be announced at the "Firefly Island Author Chat Party on March 19th. Connect with Lisa, get a sneak peek of her next book, try your hand at the trivia contest, and chat with readers just like you. There will also be many fun giveaways -- gift certificates, books, and more!

So grab your copy of Firefly Island and join Lisa on the evening of the March 19th for a chance to connect and make some new friends. (If you haven't read the book, don't let that stop you from coming!)

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