March 15, 2013

Spring Cleaning - Time to Donate

Over the last week I have started spring cleaning at my house. There is still a lot to be done but things are looking up. I mostly focused on the kitchen this week. Because of my Pampered Chef business I've been getting lots of new kitchen tools to replace the old ones, most of which E brought with him when we got married. I love that I now have quality tools that work well but I also know that many of the old ones still have a lot of use left in them so I've started a donation pile in the garage.
Right now my donation pile is mostly pots, pans, and plastic containers but soon I will be adding other things we don't need including various toys, blankets, and other such items. I'm so excited to have a clean house where everything has it's own space and there is little to no clutter (we'll let E tell you about my clutter obsession one of these days). I also love cleaning because that means I can donate back to some of the great organizations that have helped us get started. There are wonderful organizations in our area that are wonderful help to young families and I love giving back! I know they will be super excited with I show up to donate my car full of items in a few weeks.
Hopefully next week I can finish up the upstairs and get everything ready there (must tackle my room which won't be easy with the kids' help) and then I will just have the basement left. Mostly the basement is just my sewing room/office, because we clean up the toy room and family room regularly, but I'm sure I will still find things that need to go to a new home. When it's all done I will make sure to get pictures because I am working on some great new organizing items (did I mention my kitchen looks fabulous) that I want to share with everyone! There is so much you can do even when you have very little and donating is a great way to start. Knowing you are helping someone out is a great feeling and I love teaching my kids that it's good to share with others. It's a great gift for the world!

This post is sponsored. All opinions are my own.

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