July 9, 2015

Baby's Brilliant + $150 Giveaway

With the kids home for the summer that means that mom has extra kids to take to all of our lovely appointments - and more appointments since it's easier to take the kids for things like dental and vision checks. That also means that while we're at said appointments I have the lovely job of keeping everyone entertained which can be a challenge at best.

Recently I was told about the Baby's Brilliant app and although it's not yet available on Android so I haven't had the chance to try it yet, I am excited about the idea. A simple app built for children with educational books, movies and music that are available in several languages. Next time you're waiting in an office you should check it out!

Today in conjunction with Baby's Brilliant we are excited to be offering two $150 Visa Gift Cards to two amazing readers. To enter, simply use the form below. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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