July 31, 2015

Beach Reads + Giveaway

With summer here that means it's time for some great vacation reads. For many of you that means time spent enjoying the beach sun with a good book. In Idaho I'm not quite that lucky, and I'll be thinking of you in all that warmth, but here is an exciting read about a hot vacation spot near me.

In Velvet: A Novel by Burt Weissbourd takes place in the northwest corner of Yellowstone National Park as it is closed for bear management. Rachel, a bear biologist has discovered some very startling behavior from the grizzlies, swans, and elk and also seems to be seeing some horrific mutations among the young. She's off to discover what is really going on. Why is this area of the part closed? Who knows about what is going on here? The adventure is off with this non-stop thriller set in some of North America's wildest country. Open the cover and you'll be on the inside with a local detective and a Chicago cop as they take on the the most evil of  their kind to solve the mystery and restore the natural order to Yellowstone National Park. 

I haven't had a chance to read this book yet but I am very excited to get my copy. After reading the latest interview with Burt Weissbourd and checking out his website I have a feeling I will have another all-nighter on my hands.

Today as part of the Beach Reads hop, I am excited to be giving away a cop of In Velvet to one lucky Kerrific reader. To enter simply use the form below. And once you're done entering here make sure you hop along to the other participating blogs to see what great reads and prizes they have for you. Good luck!

Happy Hopping!

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