July 13, 2015

Continuing the Lights in the Sky

One of my very favorite things about Independence Day is the fireworks. I love seeing the bright stars in the sky but there is just something about all the amazing colors and brightness of a good fireworks display that makes an evening even more special. The downfall is that fireworks are dangerous so we've found some safe ways to bring lights in bright colors to our nights as a family without the danger factor.

Glow sticks are always a fun and easy way to bring some light to a dark night. They are great for everything from capture the flag to glow stick cannons and make great ways for kids to help with the lighting of the night.

Rim lights are another fun way to put some color into the dark. We really like these on bikes for the kids as they make it really fun for them to see and our dogs love to chase them in the yard at night.

If you really need a light that will show you the way then this ultra bright 2-in-1 LED flashlight is the way to go. We took it camping with us last weekend and it was amazing how much light this little thing would put off as it hing in the middle of our tent so the kids could get ready for bed. This is going to be a must have for every camping trip now for sure.

Many kids also need light during the dark hours when they are inside. Most families solve this with a nightlight and at our house we use this one. It's a personalized night light that looks white when it's turned off but when it is lit it turns into a 3D masterpiece. I just love our little light and highly recommend this for any mom who wants something out of the ordinary.

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