July 11, 2015

Support the Ones You Love with Duracell

Being a family can be a hard thing. I know, we like to pretend that it's all fun and games but there are lots of hard things that happen too. Every family deals with hard things like sickness, injury, arguments, and so much more. Some families get to experience things that the rest of the world can only imagine. Things like death, disability, and deployment are challenges that most will never see but that doesn't mean that we can't help those families that do face these extra difficulties.

Recently Duracell has donated $100,000 to USO’s Comfort Crew for Military Kids. In honor of all of the families who stand beside our troops, Duracell wants to power more comforting moments for loved ones in these families. This donation was inspired by the young daughter of a military family from California. She was able to have the comfort of her father’s voice during his deployment through a battery-powered recordable teddy bear. They were so moved by this family, that they made a film inspired by their story. You can watch this beautiful film here:

I just love this inspiring story and love what an idea like this can do to bring a family close together. It doesn't matter if your family is dealing with deployment, long distance living, or a hospitalization that prevents family members from seeing each other, a gift like this bear powered by Duracell batteries is the perfect gift and reminder of those that you love. I encourage you to continue the conversation by sharing the film and find out how you can donate to the cause through the USO at http://www.uso.org/donate.

This review was made possible by iConnect and Duracell
I was provided compensation to facilitate this post, but all opinions are 100% mine.
You can learn more about Duracell on Facebook or Twitter.

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