October 4, 2017

New Sprayer for the Barnyard

I know, I still haven't taken you for a tour of our barnyard but I promise it is coming. We are working on a couple of improvements that I want to get finished before we officially show you around.

One of the things we are doing is upgrading our watering system. At the beginning of the summer E installed a water line from the house to the barnyard to make it easier to water animals which has been nice but with inter coming we are adjusting it a little bit to make it work for us year round. One of the things we are doing is adding a new spray nozzle with a valve so that we can turn the water off and on there. Hopefully this will make it easier for the kids to adjust the spray of the water as they are filling things and not get themselves as wet.

Anyhow, the new nozzle arrived and I'm so excited to get it installed. Hopefully it will be just what we need to get through watering this winter. Ugh! So not looking forward to the cold! What adjustments are you making at your house before winter hits? Are you insulating or adding new features to make chores easier? Tell me about it!

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