March 29, 2011

Book of the Month: Mr. Brown Can MOO! Can You?

Most of you have probably read this book however I can't talk about favorite books at the Kerr house without mentioning this one. B & C both love Mr. Brown and all his silly sounds and so does Ms. B.

Right now we are using Mr. Brown to encourage C to make more sounds. He is learning to sign, slowly but surely, however he still frequently gets frustrated and throws tantrums. Mr. Brown is helping because we can all read it together and C gets the chance to try all the sounds Mr. Brown makes. B loves to help read this book and make the sounds too. It is amazing how much B's sounds improve each time we read and how many more sounds C can make every time he tires. Sometimes it is hard because it seems like he is not making any progress but if you watch closely you can see his little lips move as he tries to do what we're doing.

Thank you Dr. Seuss for writing such a wonderful book for us to enjoy!


  1. Hey!!! I'm stopping by and following from Blog It Forward Tuesday. I hope you'll check out my blog Frazzled Mama at and follow me back. Have a great day.

  2. Dr. Suess is silly. That's what makes the books so great. You can be silly too!

    Stumbled you, please stumble me back at :

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  3. I have not heard of this book before...I loved teaching my kids to make animal sounds!
    Sounds like this book will be good for B and C!
    Stumbled this post!

  4. I am now following you from the hop. Please, help us reach our goal of 1,500 friends so we can offer great prizes. Thank you, Amee from

  5. This is one of my favorite books from my childhood. I love sharing it with my kids. You're right! It's so much fun to make the noises together. My dd is working on her speech so it's great there is a book we can read together.

    Following you from Hop a Little Tuesday.

  6. So agree. It's def. a Suess favourite.

    Stumbled you.
    My post is:

  7. That's a great one. I stumbled you. My post is

  8. My kids have that book too! My 5 year old loves Dr.Seuss!
