March 22, 2011

Game: Ring Around the Rosies

Today I thought I would share with you a simple game most of you probably played when you were young. I had forgotten all about Ring Around the Rosies until our therapist introduced it to us as a therapy game with B.

B was, what am I say he still is, a very stubborn little boy. The final goal he needed to achieve before graduating from PT was to stand up in the middle of the floor without assistance. We tried everything to get him to do this but because we live in a small home he would simply crawl to the furniture and stand up using it. At one point we even tried taking him to an empty gym and playing in the middle of it but he still refused to stand up without using something for balance. Then one day his awesome therapist Ms. T. came with no tools other than this song. And guess what, it worked. It took a few times but soon enough B was so excited to be playing that he forgot all about crawling to the couch to stand up. We haven't had a problem since. It always amazes me how the simple games used with children, that we think nothing of, can be such a huge help in their development. Below are the words in case you've forgotten.

Ring around the rosies
A pocket full of posies;
Ashes, Ashes
We all fall down.

Cows are in the meadow
Eating butter cups;
Thunder, Lightning
We all stand up.


  1. I'm so glad you found something that works! How encouraging:)

  2. New follower from the blog hop!

  3. Hi, Doing the blog it forward hop,liking where I can, joining where I can, sharing, stumbling, perscribing…you got it I will click. I used to play ring around the rosies as a kid :)

  4. Funny... my cousins and I were talking about our old skool games. Red Rover, Red Light green like stop... etc. Good times... good times...
    Greetings! I am your newest follower from Blog it Forward!

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    THANK YOU!!!!! Let me know how I can help you!!!

  5. I don't think I have ever know the second verse. Thanks for doing such a great job with B and C.

  6. Sounds like great therapy! We love ring around the rosie but I NEVER knew there was a 'stand up' part. Thanks for sharing, I'll now be singing the second part. Now following you from the TH blog hop.

  7. Following you fron the Fab Friens Thursday blog hop! If you get a chance hop over and say hi at

  8. A simple childhood chant can go a long way! Thanks for sharing. Following you from Fab Friends TH Blog Hop. Please stop visit my site and would love if you could return the follow.
