June 17, 2011

Shopping Trip #2

I did end up taking a second shopping trip this week. I wanted to get some more toothbrushes and check for allergy meds. I also had q-tips and secret coupons that expire this weekend that I wanted to use so off to Walgreens we went. I ended up spending $9.10 OOP and saving $48.30 which is a savings of 84.1% and I added 20 RR.

Anyway, it was a great week and after this I ended up spending $36.47 and a total savings of 98.5% and I have 27 RR remaining to use next week.

Happy Shopping!
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  1. Good deal!

    Thanks for the follow, be sure to complete all of entries to better your chances of winning.

    @ http://lemondropsdreamtoo.blogspot.com/

  2. Please share your secrets! How do you get such great deals?
