November 30, 2011

Tommee Tippee Review

The Kerr household discovered Tommee Tippee sippy cups when B was very little and have been using them ever sense. When school started this semester we fought with Baby D to find a bottle he would take. Tommee Tippee was one that we tried. Although it was not his favorite it was one of the very few that he would drink from. Now that Baby D has been taking bottles longer he has gotten much better about the Tommee Tippee bottle. As you can see he is currently taking it without any problems.

There are some things that I, as a mom, love about the Tommee Tippee bottle. The biggest thing is its wide neck. I love this for pouring milk into the bottle or adding formula. I had never used a wide mouth bottle before Baby D and I do like them for this reason.

Tommee Tippee is a wonderful company that makes some awesome products! Thanks for sponsoring Tommee Tippee!


  1. I wish I would have known about these bottles when my daughter was younger she always had a tummy ache from getting to much air from the old bottles.

  2. I love these bottles! They are so worth the money. These are the only ones I will use now

    *Tonya H*

  3. Would love these for my little one. We use the cheap bottles for now, and they are leaky.

  4. I have been wanting to try the Tomee Tipee sippy cups, we never got to try the bottles due to EBF.

    ~Terri Babin

  5. This would be fabulous for one of the kiddos I baby-sit!
