January 11, 2012

Child loves Pooh and Mickey Mouse

Thanks for the article from Laura Ryan
Last month my family went to Disney World and we had the best time. I was pleasantly surprised by how excited my son was to see all the characters. Since he is only one, I was worried he would be scared by the more than life size characters. However, it was the complete opposite. When the trip was over, he has a new love for Pooh and Mickey Mouse. Now, he can’t stop talking about them. We had to get him a Pooh stuffed animal and every Pooh movie available. Thankfully, Expert Satellite’s on demand has been a life saver. I think we have watched every show they offer. It has become a small obsession of my son’s to see Pooh and Mickey as much as possible. I am hoping it is a short phase because it can’t be healthy watching that much television. I will probably start limiting it soon, but right now it is cute. It is as if he has a small crush on them and wants to spend time with them. I can’t wait to go back to Disney World and see how he reacts next year.

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