January 6, 2012

I Like Trucks

With three little boys, and one big boy, at my house things get very exciting when we see trucks. B and C especially like trucks in every shape and size. It is very funny to listen to them as we drive down the highway because they like to talk about the trucks that are “chasin' us.” It is so adorable and they have lots of fun looking out the windows as we drive.

Sometimes when the boys need a field trip we like to go visit Daddy at work so we can see all the trucks and tractors. There is hardly a day when we go visit that we can't sit in the parking lot and watch a truck get loaded or unloaded. The boys' favorite to watch are the flatbed trucks. They like these because they can really see what's going on. Most of the trucks they see are full of dirt or trees. It can be really amazing to watch piles of Christmas trees come in on long flatbed trucks or to see pallets of potting soil be unloaded with the tractor. We've also heard lots of fun stories about tractors tipping over as they unloaded pallets that were too heavy too. At the Kerr house there is never a dull moment when trucks are involved.

I am participating in a blogger campaign by Bucks2Blog for flatbed trucking companies and was compensated. However, the views and opinions are my own.

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