January 20, 2012

Online Marketing

With a new year I am excited to be finding some wonderful new brands and products to represent here on Kerrific. As online marketing strategies are changing, more and more brands are turning to online marketing to fill their advertising needs. Here at Kerrific we offer a variety of advertising options. We are happy to work directly with brands or to work through an advertising company. 

At this time we are looking for brands who would like a three to six month ad placement in our sidebar and brands who would like a post written specifically about them. Either of these options can provide great success to businesses as marketing strategies and Kerrific offers fair pricing to all who apply (provided I can write about them in a family friendly manner). 

To learn more about our advertising deals please contact A. (kerrific5@gmail.com) or have your advertising company send her a note. We will need to know what you would like advertised, the length of the post (or ad placement) and the time frame you would like it to appear during.

We firmly believe that we are here to help you and will work with you in any way we can during 2012.

I am participating in a blogger campaign by Bucks2Blog and was compensated. However, the views and opinions are my own.

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