January 9, 2012

What I Wish Auto Insurance Covered

Lately I have been wishing that auto insurance covered more things. Like when your body breaks down and your medical insurance covers it. Right now the heater is not working in E's car, the one that gets ok gas mileage, and so we are driving my car to school every day. I really wish that our insurance would fix the broken car so I could be warm and life could be less expensive.

It seems silly that auto insurance only covers accidents. I mean, isn't it an accident when your heater quits working. It's not like we broke it on purpose which means it should qualify as an accident. Right?

It sure would make our lives easier if insurance covered anything that wasn't purposeful breakage. That's why you pay for insurance, is to cover the things you can't afford, so it seems like they should extend their coverage to take care of everything you can't afford.

The only other thing I can think of that would help our problem is better public transportation but I just don't see that happening out here. We don't have a dozen taxi cabs in town let alone a good bus system that runs often enough to make it worthwhile.

I am participating in a blogger campaign by Bucks2Blog for san diego auto insurance and was compensated. However, the views and opinions are my own.

1 comment:

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