August 31, 2012

Thinking About New Tires

As school begins we are approaching a new phase of our year. With the change in seasons comes a list of items to clean, test, repair and replace. I don't know about you but at my house this list gets long really quickly and because we are busy people we will probably still be working on it when the snow flies.
One thing we always check before the snow is our tires. There are lots of great places to have this done, like Hercules Tire Sales, and if you do it often you should have a pretty quick trip. Even with regular maintenance however your tires will eventually wear out and need to be replaced. I like to think of my tires like a pair of shoes, if I make a good investment and treat them right they will always get me where I need to go and that makes it worth the time I spend.
There are lots of advantages to new tires. Not only do good tires help keep you safe, they also increase your car's performance. A big bonus in today’s world is that good tires will help you get better gas mileage. By getting your tires and air pressure checked you can help your car get the best gas mileage possible and many tire stores will provide these services free of charge for the life of your tire.
If you don't feel like going to the tire store and waiting in line another great option is to keep a tire pressure gauge in your car. They are super simple to use (even I can do it) and if you're at the gas station and notice your gas mileage is a little lower than normal or turning has been a little difficult you should check your tire pressure. If you have a tire pressure gauge you'll most likely have everything you need at the gas station. The correct tire pressure is written on your tires (who knew?) and most gas stations have air compressors either free or change operated. If you're having a hard time you can probably even get an attendant to help you figure it out but I'm sure one you do it once it won't be a problem.
I love my new tires and I'm sure glad to have a husband who helps me maintain them properly. It is so nice to know I can get where I need to go in my smooth and dependable ride.

1 comment:

  1. “I like to think of my tires like a pair of shoes, if I make a good investment and treat them right they will always get me where I need to go and that makes it worth the time I spend.” -- This is very well said! A well-maintained set of tires is crucial to road safety. It’s not always practical to keep fixing damaged wheels, as the rubber tends to get weaker with every repair. Investing in the best quality of wheels your budget can afford is a wise move because it may lessen your need to have them repaired.
