December 15, 2012

Bed & Breakfasts and Country Inns + One FREE Night

Bed & Breakfasts and County Inns + One FREE Night Certificate
For E and I there is nothing nicer, or more elusive, than a twenty-four hour period without children. Heck, we didn't even get twenty-four hours together when we got married, this time we blame work. Anyway, needless to say it is so nice to get away from the kids for a bit and have some time with each other.
This year for Christmas I'm going to help E out a little with the whole I-must-take-my-wife-on-vacation project by giving him a copy of Bed & Breakfasts and Country Inns. I've just looked at the book a little and I love it already. I'm a big B&B fan (I grew up visiting the one Grandma and Grandpa owned every summer) and would love to spend some time at one of the beautiful places in this book. My favorite thing is that this book has all the information you need to get started including locations, owners names, prices (yes real dollar amounts), the number of rooms and the types of meals available. Besides all that you can find a quick bit of historical information about each location and a sketch of most of the buildings. it is very interesting to look at.
Besides that this amazing book comes with a Buy One Get One Free certificate that is good for a free night at any of the locations listed. I can't wait to use our certificate to spend two nights out with my hubby. Hopefully he likes this idea as much as I do!

If you think this sounds like a great idea for you and your loved one make sure you enter to win a copy of this book (including the certificate) of your very own! I promise it's a gift you don't want to miss!
a Rafflecopter giveaway