December 8, 2012

Gymini My Nature Pals - Our New Favorite Toy

So my original plan was to save this for F for Christmas but she loves her Rocker Napper so much with the hanging toys that I gave it to her early. So anyway, this is our new Gymini My Nature Pals from Tiny Love. It has been a HUGE hit with all the kids and I can't believe the hours of fun it has provided.
The first time I put F under the the Gymini she just started grinning and it was amazing. We've been letting F use this for about a month now and she is still in love. She'll usually play for about 15 minutes and then fall asleep on the comfortable mat.
The baby isn't the only one enjoying this new toy however. My big boys like to play with it while F is napping and pretend they are driving their cars in a rain forest. It's pretty funny to watch them all play together too. Once I caught all four kids with their heads under the toys playing together.
Another favorite feature of mine is that the music on this Gymini is totally not annoying. In fact, I actually enjoy having it on as I'm doing dishes or folding laundry because it is energetic and fun to listen too. The big boys like to turn it on to dance to too.
I really love my new Gymini from Tiny Love! They have lots of wonderful products that my kids adore. Check out the Gymini My Nature Pals and all the other great products at Tiny Love today!

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