December 19, 2012

Keep Your Toys Safe

We all know that our kids are going to be super excited about all the new things they get for Christmas, or we hope they will be. If your kids are anything like mine they will want to take their toys with them everywhere they go to show them off. I used to tell my kids no but I don't have to do this anymore thanks to my childproof labels. These labels are great because they have a style for almost any object. Most of them are dishwasher and washer safe so you can even put them on things like sippy cups and clothes. It has been amazing the number of things that have been returned to me simply because they have our name on them. It's great and saves me a lot of time and stress looking for things my children have left behind. Kid labels really are the perfect gift because if you get them first you can label all your kids' new things as they are being unwrapped and they will be ready to go as soon as your kids are. Major stress savor, here I come!

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