January 15, 2013

A New Page Design

We are excited to announce that here at Kerrific we are revamping. We are super excited about our new look but want to give you a heads up that things might get crazy for a while as we change to our new page design here at the blog and our new business facebook page design. We are really excited about turning over a new leaf and becoming an easier blog to follow and navigate. I can't wait to show you all the changes!
We also want to take this time to announce that once our makeover is complete we will be hosting a HUGE giveaway event to celebrate our re-grand opening. It's going to be something that you don't want to miss. Right now tentative plans for this event are being made for April so if you want to participate make sure you contact us today to save yourself a spot. We will be announcing more about this event as it gets closer.
page design
Thanks so much to each of you for your patience as we work to recreate our pages. We know that having a good look for our blog and Facebook pages helps you find the information you need. We look forward to presenting you with a better look in the future and we hope you will stick with us as we complete this process.
If you're looking for someone great to help with your page makeover make sure you check out all the great companies we will be posting about over the next few months. There are lots of great people out there to help your pages be productive and we want to help you find them. Remember that your business blog and Facebook page can make or break your business and the earlier you get them set up correctly the better.
If you're not sure how to do this you can set up your blog or Facebook page there are lots of great resources. For me the best way is just to jump in. There are so many that are willing to help. If you've got a computer there's no reason not to use it for your business today!

This post was sponsored. All thoughts are my own.

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