February 2, 2013

Ducky Love - A Valentines Game for Families: Valentines Day 2

I love Valentines Day because it gives us a good excuse to show others how much we care. One way we are sharing the true meaning of Valentines at our house this year is through little acts of Ducky Love. I found these cute little ducks through a local co-op they are about 1.5" tall and are the perfect size for this game. Playing is simple, I started by doing something kind for one of my family members. I can't tell you how excited this particular member of the family was to find this little duck. Then their job was to do something kind for someone else and leave the duck for them.
The boys are having lots of fun helping our little duck do nice things for others. It has been a great way to encourage sharing and kind deeds at the Kerr house. In fact, I'm already looking for ducks for other holidays so we can continue this game year round. We are having so much fun doing little things for each other!
It's easy to play, simply find a little friend (any animal will do) to help your family share the love. Here are some ideas to get your family started:

  • Make the bed
  • Do the dishes
  • Clean up the laundry
  • Put away the toys
  • Fold the socks
  • Set the table
  • Give a hug
  • Share a toy

This is just to get you started. Remember kind deeds are good for all and you're never to old to share the love so get started today and then come back and let me know your favorite piece of ducky love between now and Valentines!

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