February 24, 2013

Finding the Perfect Office Furniture

I've been spending a lot of time over the last month working on my office space. With the new shop I have been trying really hard to get things organized so I can work quickly and efficiently and we are making some progress. Part of my organization progress has been helped with some new business office furniture.
I now have a great desk that fits my sewing machine and serger, plus a spot for my computer so I can continue to be online as I work. We were also able to get a great old kitchen cupboard from the neighbor's house when they were refinishing that is perfect for my cutting mat and my photo station. It has been amazing the things we have been able to use that we have gotten second hand. With some simple refinishing and adding of shelves, shelf liner, and handles we've gotten some great items.
Unfortunately, second hand doesn't work for everything so E and his friend have been helping my cause by making me a special light fixture so I have plenty of light and a piece of custom office furniture so that I have a cabinet to store all of my products in. I'm still working on getting everything put away and I still have some painting to do but as soon as I get those little tasks finished I'll be posting pictures of my wonderful new organized space. I'm so excited to start working in it full time and being able to move my projects off the couch!

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