February 12, 2013

Today I Declare War on Apathy

1. Lack of feeling or emotion
2. Lack of interest or concern

It's midterms week at the Kerr house and what are we dealing with? Apathy. Such a horrible opponent! There is nothing worse than an apathetic student when you are trying to teach, tutor, or simply paying for a college degree.
Recently I have been following a series of Facebook posts by a dear friend on this subject. She is a Middle School history teacher in our area who is struggling with apathy in her classroom. Here's what she had to say:

Jan 9 - 
Today I declare war on apathy. I am tired of being around youth who just don't care. I'm not sure what to load into my arsenal as I head into this war, I might even pull out the angry voice.

I'm locking and loading now: Arsenal list: Anger, compassion, Constant follow-up, Rewards, Punishments, Demands, Leniency, Vision!!!! Lots of opposites, but all may be necessary.

Jan 10 -
Day 2 of war on apathy: Weapon: one on one attention
Success rate: 7/9 success in task completion, but unclear if the kids actually care.
Remaining student's behavior- generally good, until the end of the day. Then general behavior pretty much flew out the window.

Jan 11 - 
Day 3: angry voice... Whole 6th hour class immediately on task... Me hating it :( .

Jan 20 - 
War on apathy... I actually filled in zeroes for all the missing work. I'm hoping they all panic and get in gear.

Jan 26 - 

Good news: my war on apathy has encouraged at least 10 students to raise their grade out of the D/F range. It doesn't seem like much, but it's a beginning. I have at least 5 more that I think are working on a recovery plan.

Feb 7 - 
War on Apathy part 43: EVEN MORE creativity in the classroom. If you would like to join me in my war, you can help by donating to my art supply in the classroom by going to: http://www.dickblick.com/ara/lists/2930/home


Art in the classroom is a great way to help fight apathy! We all know that kids are way more involved, and learn a lot more, when there are projects involved. This great teacher wants to help her kids bring history to life by creating their own life sized museum. I know the kids are going to love it!
To help fund the project our wonderful teacher has set up an account through Art Room Aid. This is a great place for teachers of any age or subject. People can then donate by either adding to a gift card amount or buying specific things on their wish list to help them keep art in the classroom.

Today, help me help this history teacher! Simply visit her wish list and donate to the cause (every dollar makes a difference). Her wish list includes things like scissors, markers, paint and clay that students can use for this project and may others. The children will thank you!

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