June 10, 2013

An Eye Anniversary and The Top Ten

Last week we celebrated a very special day at the Kerr house. It has officially been one year since C got his glasses! I can't believe the difference in my child. We went from having THREE emergency room visits in six months because of injury to NONE in a full year. Things that I didn't realize were a big deal, like his tripping in the kitchen and not walking on the sidewalk, have solved themselves because he no longer sees double. It is amazing! In the past year he also went from being behind with his gross motor skills and needing physical therapy to being way ahead and all of this happened because of a simple vision check.
I think many of us take our eye health for granted. I know E is that way because he does not come from a
family with eye troubles. I quickly learned the value of a good eye doctor when I received my glasses as a teenager. Being able to see changed my life for the better for sure and because I have many family members that wear glasses it was simply part of our check up routine to make sure our eyes were healthy.

Weather getting an annual eye exam is habit for you already or not, it is a super important thing for you to do for yourself and for your children. Our eye doctor likes to see kids for the first time between nine months and one year of age so that she can catch any problems early and get them corrected. That's my kind of prevention!
In fact, I am super excited to say that our neighbor city of Boise made the #1 in the nation on VSP Vision Care's Second Annual Eye Healthy Index list! The number one ranking means that Boise is the place where the most people took care of their eyes in 2012. In fact, Boise had the highest rate of eye exams compared to any other city on the index the last two years. Other cities included in the top ten were Sacramento,, Oklahoma City-Tulsa, Wichita, Columbus (OH), Des Moines, Birmingham, Denver, Raleigh, and Bay Area California. If you live in one of these areas hopefully you are a member of VSP and getting your eyes checked so you are part of the awesome population in these areas!
For those of you who are not members of VSP Global you should really check them out for all of your eye care needs! VSP Global includes VSP Vision Care, the largest non-for-profit vision benefits and services company in the US; Marchon Eyewear Inc.; Eyefinity; and VSP Optics Group. They also run many great programs including VSP Mobile Eyes and Sight for Students through the American red Cross and Prevent Blindness America. So far VSP has invested about $155 million in free eyecare and eyewear for more than 825,000 adults and children. This is amazing to me because good eye care can be very expensive and can make a world of difference in a person's life, especially the life of a child!
My challenge to you, if it's been a while since you had an eye exam then call and schedule one for yourself, and your children, today! It's fast and easy and you'll be thankful that you are checking on your eyesight. I know that I am!

As a bonus, make sure you enter to win a FREE pair of designer sunglasses below!

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