June 27, 2013

Family Dentist or Pediatric Dentist?

When it comes to choosing between a pediatric dentist and a family dentist in Simi Valley for your children, which do you choose? There are proponents on both side of this question. It is easy to become confused about the difference between a family and pediatric dentist and why one is better than the other is. The reality of the situation is both a family dentist and a pediatric dentist are good for the dental health of your children.

Regular Checkups Are the Key

When it comes to your children, more important than whether they are seeing a family or pediatric dentist are regular checkups. If they are getting in to see the dentist for their checkups, they are going to be far ahead in their dental health and will likely maintain that throughout their life.

Why Choose a Family over Pediatric Dentist

If it really does not matter which style of dentist your children see, you may wonder why you should choose a family or a pediatric dentist. This is really a personal preference choice. However, there are some conveniences and benefits to choosing a family dentist. When a dentist is seeing everyone in the family, they have a better idea of what the whole picture looks like. They understand better what the habits of the family are that may negatively affect the dental health of everyone in the family. This gives them an advantage in making decisions regarding any one particular dental procedure. For example, they may determine that the habits of a family dictate the necessity of pulling a tooth rather than doing a root canal and crown. Having history helps a dentist make better decisions.

The Billing Is Easier

When you work with a family dentist in Simi Valley who sees everyone in the family, it makes it much easier to pay the dental bill. This is particularly helpful if you have a good relationship with the receptionist and finance person in the office of your dentist. It is much easier to work through things when you are working with one person as opposed to multiple dental offices. This is more of a convenience than anything else, but it is certainly another vote to use a family dentist.

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