June 20, 2013

How to Cope with Prostate Cancer

The emotional impact of a cancer diagnosis can be devastating.  It does not only affect patients, but also their loved ones and close friends. Who would not be scared and angry when the doctor announces that you have prostate cancer? You would probably also feel confused and numb. Concentrating on what people are telling you is virtually impossible, as your thoughts are scattered. Why did this happen to you? There are several things cancer patients can do to cope with their diagnosis. Here are a few valuable tips.

Educate Yourself

The word “cancer” has a chilling effect on most everyone. That is often the case because people know little about the disease, and why abnormal cells suddenly start to divide and spread throughout the body. Understanding what is happening, and exploring potential treatment options, can put a patient’s mind a lot more at ease. Research the Internet for legitimate data, and talk to medical experts.

Manage Physical Effects

Doctors discuss common side effects of cancer with their patients. They also explain available treatment options, and their pros and cons. Eating healthy and giving up bad habits, such as drinking alcohol and smoking, can encourage cancer cells to go into remission.

Decide on a Treatment

Ask your doctor for treatment options after all your medical tests were completed. There is no one-size-fits-all solution. Some patients benefit from chemotherapy or hormone therapy, while others need surgery. Discuss your options with your loved ones before making a decision.  

Financial Preparations

It may be a good idea to get your finances in order if you were told that the cancer is in its final stages. You will feel a lot more at ease knowing that your loved ones are taken care of. Complete your last will and testament, if that was not done yet.

Emotional Support

Cancer of the prostate is common in American men. It is very likely that someone you know has the same problem as you. Do not be afraid to share your experiences. Join a prostate cancer support group. If a treatment was improved, or new discoveries were made, you will be the first to know. Do not shut out friends and family. You do not only hurt them by being distant, but also yourself.

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