August 26, 2013

Postcards from Misty Harbor Inn by Evangeline Kelley

Book series are one of my very favorite things! I have Grandma L to thank for that. She got me started on Nancy Drew and American Girls books when I was about six and I haven't stopped since. Recently I had the chance to read Seaside Harmony and Sunflower Summer , the first two books in the Postcards from Misty Harbor Inn Series by Evangeline Kelley.
Like most series, with these two books you just can't stop after number one. In fact, although there is a closure at the end of both books, they leave you wanting more. As the story of three sisters unfolds during their visit to their childhood vacation spot it is so fun to see these women remember how to be friends and work together to sustain each other through their times of trial.
I just loved these books and I can't wait to read the newest edition to this series, Whispers on the Dock . For now it's on my Christmas wish list, although I may have to find a copy before that to see what happens.
Happy reading!

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