October 20, 2013

Reading Time with Mark-My-Time Digital Bookmarks

With B starting school one thing has been consistent, that he has homework every day. I really like this feature of his new charter school because it really allows me to see what he's learning and how well he's doing as I help make sure it's getting done. The homework is generally not hard and only takes a few minutes. Once it's done we get to do our favorite part of our after school assignments, reading.

To help with our daily reading plan, Mark-My-Time sent us a Digital Bookmark to test out and we love it! This book mark is perfect to go in our books and not only keeps our place, but is also an easy way to make sure we get our full ten minutes of reading in each day.

The bookmark itself is made of a foam like material that has proven to be very sturdy. The timer itself has three buttons, start/stop, count up, and timer. It's easy to set and has a cheerful alarm sound that marks the end of your timed reading session.

After visiting the Mark-My-Time website I also love that you can get a classroom pack of these amazing bookmarks and/or do fundraisers with these amazing learning tools. I know that I'll be taking this info to our school so they can learn about this fabulous new reading aid!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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