September 30, 2014

Did You Know September is Newborn Screening Awareness Month?

The month is almost over but it's never to late to learn a little about Newborn Screenings. Today I am excited to partner with the Save Babies Through Screening Foundation and Baby’s First Test, two amazing non-profits, to bring awareness to Newborn Screening Month.

So, what do you need to know? Newborn Screening is a series of simple tests that can detect a variety of disorders in newborns. There’s a hearing test, heel prick blood test (often mistakenly called the “PKU”), and in some states the pulse oximeter. 

We have done each of these tests with all of our kids and all are relatively simple and painless. For us, it's all about knowing we are taking home the healthiest baby possible. 

As a side note, C did not pass his newborn hearing test which meant we went in for a follow up appointment and found he did have some problems with fluid in his ears and knowing the signs we were watching for and tools we could use to help him made sure that he was hearing everything he needed to as a young child.

So, here's the important stuff. What you should remember! 

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